Benefits of clean/healthy eating! :)
Healthy eating is an effective weight loss solution! You can lose as much as 20 pounds after several weeks of following a good healthy diet. You also do not need to starve yourself or take medication. If you stick to healthy foods, you can eat and still lose weight. Healthy eating is your all in one pharmacy on a plate! This is because you can effectively fight and prevent diseases if you eat healthy foods. It is a known fact that most diseases today are caused by an unhealthy diet. Whether it is because the quantity of fat and calories leads to obesity, the lack of nutrients needed for a strong and healthy immune system, or the amount of chemicals and trans fats that are included in processed foods, UNhealthy eating can lead to major health problems. Healthy eating can increase your energy levels! You can become more productive and socially active if you will only stick to healthy foods. Whole foods are best because they are unrefined. The more processed a food is, the less nutr...